Sterling ASI (832-678-4500)
1521 Green Oak Place, Suite 196
Kingwood, TX 77339
Phone: 832-678-4500, Fax:832-678-4510
email: kingwood@sterlingasi.com or rebecca@sterlingasi.com
Next Board Meeting |
The Board of Directors meeting of the Kings Point Community Association is scheduled for Monday, January 20th, 2025, 7:00 PM via zoom and visitors are welcome. Please see attached meeting notice and zoom link.
Cluster Mailbox Units |
If your cluster mailbox unit has been damaged or vandalized, please contact Sterling Management either by email at Rebecca@sterlingasi.com or phone at 832-678-4500.
USPS owns the locks to the unit. If your lock is damaged, please contact the local post office. |
Feral Hog Damage |
Report feral hog activity to KSA here
View the most recent feral hog activity report here
Kingwood is experiencing high feral hog activity. BioAdvanced Grub Insecticide is reputed to be very effective in killing grub worms which are a feral hog delicacy.
*Disclaimer: Reference in this site to any specific commercial product, process, or service is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Kings Point Community Association.
Latest News |
Shared Pool Agreement
Please see attached correspondence regarding the termination of the shared pool agreement with The Reserve.
Increase in Mail Thefts
The Houston Police Department has reported a recent increase in mail being stolen from Mail Drop Boxes associated with Cluster Box Units within Kingwood. Thieves are specifically targeting envelopes containing checks. Consequently, residents are advised to deposit all envelopes containing checks at the inside drop box of the Post Office.
The 2024\2025 annual maintenance assessment is due on April 1, 2024.
Reminders |
- The lakes are private and for the exclusive use of Kings Point Community Association residents and their invited guests.
- Guests must be with a resident at all times.
- Anyone not with a resident will be considered trespassing and will be prosecuted as such.
- Fishing is catch and release and nets are prohibited
- Pets must be on a leash at all times.
- Please ensure you are picking up after your pets; for your convenience, pet waste receptacles are located around the Lakes
- Make sure your pet is a good neighbor by keeping your dog from barking needlessly and disturbing your neighborhood.